Instant Coffee

Sunset, 2010
bamboo, foam, tape, found afghan blanket
courtesy the artists and MKG 127
estimate $600

Instant Coffee's sculptures incorporate a variety of materials, integrating Instant Coffee’s own detritus and flash aesthetic. Instant Coffee is a service oriented artist collective based in Toronto and Vancouver. Through formal installations and event-based activities, it builds a public place to practice, where ideas, materials and actions can be explored outside of the isolated studio and in a manner that renegotiates traditional exhibition structures, but is still supported by them. Recent Instant Coffee Public Projects include: Western Front-London Bureau as part of No Soul for Sale at the Tate Modern, London UK, 2010; IC Light Bar as part of Vancouver Winter Olympics Public Art Projects, 2010. Instant Coffee's most consistent members are Cecilia Berkovic, Jinhan Ko, Kelly Lycan, Jenifer Papararo, Kate Monro, and Khan Lee.